The venue of NoRCEL this year is virtual!!
This is a digital conference and it will be held over digital teleconference platforms. We will employ two platforms for the meeting:
- The ZOOM platform (, which is going to be the main tool to attend all scientific presentations and make announcements.
- The WONDER platform for small group and interpersonal discussions, but only during the breaks!!
For the ZOOM platform you are given details on how to log in by following the link: ZOOM Instructions
For the WONDER platform, some there are some instructions here, additionally to those that follow here.
For both platforms, you will receive links and credentials to enter by email.
What is a WONDER platform:
- This is a very intuitive environment, where when you enter you see a graphical environment with some light grey boxes with names: these are the different rooms.
- You will also see a small circle labeled with your name (your avatar), if you have entered your name when asked. If you have put a picture it is even better.
- Moving you mouse around and pressing the right button you will see your avatar moving towards this. Keep pressing to enter a room. Approaching very closely other avatars, from other participants—if any at the moment—you will see a circle enclosing both or all of you. Immediately, videos appear with faces of all people in the circle and you can start talking.
- Only people in one circle can see and talk to each other.
- If you go to another circle, other participants are then viewed live. It is exactly like when you move around into the real conference venue and meet and talk to small groups of people, ore even a large audience.
- You can see animations of the above described operations if you visit the main webpage of WONDER that is given above.
Conference Programme
Updates – Modifications
- NEW 27 March 2021 noon: emails with ZOOM links have been sent to all participants. Time for Wednesday’s breaks has been corrected. The updated version of the book of abstracts is given below (see below at Book of Abstracts)
- 24 March 2021 evening: Local times and some additions to the text have been made in the Book of Abstracts. The link below, the one to download the Book of Abstracts, has been updated.
- 24 March 2021 morning: The conference schedule has been emailed to all participants.
- 15 March 2021: The NoRCEL’21 Conference Programme has been extended to a third day due to the high demand with submitted abstracts.
Schedule of talks
Please, observe that times are given for the UTC Time zone, according to the following web tool:
We made an effort to convert the time for each timezone of each presenter in his/her local time. Please, check it also for yourself using the above web tool or a similar one. For your convenience, we have put on the right real-time clocks for indicative time-zones. The analogue one is in UTC Time and follows exactly the programme plan.