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NoRCEL Astroscience Exploration Network ASEN

The Astroscience Exploration Network (ASEN) is NoRCEL’s innovative initiative and has the objective of creating an African Astroscience Hub. This original concept aims to...

Virtual Frontiers of Sciences VI: Schedule – Saturday 12 March 2022

Sponsored by NoRCEL, in conjunction with the Astrobiology Society of Britain, the Royal Society of Biology and the Royal Society of Chemistry. We present another one of our popular science-in-society meetings, this time delving into the intricacies of differing Complex Systems. Our panel of international, eminent scientists look forward to sharing their extensive knowledge with you on Saturday the 12th March 2022.

Frontiers of Sciences

Frontiers of Sciences (FoS)—a science-in-society live meeting held annually in Leeds. Next meeting 12th March 2022. Open to all and free to attend.

1st Latin American Colloquium

Bringing together exceptional and world-renowned scientists from the regions of Latin and South America, NoRCEL has initiated a regional Hub so we can expound and share with each other even more about the origins and early evolution of life. The inaugural colloquium of NoRCEL’s Latin America Hub, LAHUB2022, entitled: Molecules from the early evolution of life is a free-access ONLINE event on: SATURDAY the 19th of FEBRUARY, 2022

Sponsored student: Masauko Utila from Malawi

There is nothing like the pleasure one gets when helping someone to achieve their life’s goals. Masauko Utila is from Malawi, recognised to be...

The NoRCEL Gap Map Project

The “NoRCEL gap map” is a project of the Network of Researchers on the Chemical Evolution of Life (NoRCEL). Unlike a review that discusses...