The Gap Map and Grothendieck’s Rising Sea

Mathematician Alexander Grothendieck, whose work is considered abstract even by mathematical standards, once described two ways of solving problems. The first takes the idea...

Evolution of proteome based on the evolution of genetic code

The evolution of species by means of natural selection can be modelled in a "tree of life" (ToL) that can be traced backwards in...

The asteroid belt

The asteroid belt, a region located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, is composed of millions of rocky objects ranging in size from...

What isn’t Life?

For centuries, mankind has struggled with the problem of defining life. Just what is it? What makes it different from things that are not...

Are We the First: Was There Life Before Our Solar System?

The enduring question is: “Are We the First?” From what we already know of chemistry—especially that of carbon and water—it is highly probable that...

Searching for life on Venus

Venus is the closest planet to the Earth and the brightest celestial body after the Sun and the Moon...

Morphology of Meteorite Surfaces Ablated by High-Power Lasers: Review and Applications

Under controlled laboratory conditions, lasers represent a source of energy with well-defined parameters suitable for mimicking phenomena such as ablation, disintegration, and plasma formation...

Seeking out Moon and Mars superoxides for oxygen farming

The dusty faces of the Moon and Mars conceal unseen hazards for future explorers. Areas of highly oxidising material could be sufficiently reactive that...