Nikolopoulos Dimitrios
Dept. of Physics: Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
As a physicist (MSc) and radiographer (MRI), I hold a Master of Science in material science: the title of my thesis being "Simulation of the optical identities and the photocurrent of hybrid organic solar cell devices using the transmission-line method”. The goal of this dissertation is the study of the ways of optimizing the photocurrent and efficiency in Hybrid Organic Photovoltaic Cells using simulations with a transmission line model. For this purpose, we use the platforms MatLab and Origin. In these simulations we consider films of several materials like oxides of Molybdenum like MoO3, ΜοΟ3-x, HyMoO3-x, oxides of Tungsten WO3, WO3-x, HyWO3-x, Polyoxometalates (W-POM) and porphyrin as spacers placed next to the anode of ITO or the cathode of aluminium (Al). We derive the diagrams for the photocurrent JSC and the efficiency Q, which are fully discussed. Attached are two of my graphs: results for the photocurrent of an organic photovoltaic set (for Mo and porphyrin layers).
I have also embarked on writing a book about the formation and evolution of our Solar System (working title – “Gaia: the one and only”), in which I refer to the origin of life and its interaction with geology and astronomical events. I intend the book to be "live", by which I mean constantly updated.

I have also embarked on writing a book about the formation and evolution of our Solar System (working title – “Gaia: the one and only”), in which I refer to the origin of life and its interaction with geology and astronomical events. I intend the book to be "live", by which I mean constantly updated.